Friday, December 11, 2009

Chapter 1 Review page 9 (Terms 1-13, Identification 1-7,Chapter Concepts 1-8)

Chapter 1 Review page 9 (Terms 1-13, Identification 1-7,Chapter Concepts 1-8)


1)B.C.-Before Christ

2)A.D.-anno Domini (In the year of our Lord)

3)Evolution-A fabled process of progressive change dependant on chance and time, with the origin of life on earth.

4)Government- An institution that has both authority and power to control, direct, and to rule the actions and affairs of others.

5)Sovereign- supreme power.

6)Deluge-a flood.

7)Capital Punishment-The death penalty.

8)Post Dulivan -After the flood.

9)Plain of Shinar-The resting place for the ark of Noah. Lower Mesopotamia.

10)Babel-City in Shinar. Tower of Babel was built here.

11)Humanism-Worship of man.

12)Nation-A group of people who think of themselves as one and act in history as a single entity.

13)Race-People groups


1)Focal point-The birth of Christ

2)1700 years

3)Shim, Ham and, Japheth.

4)Nimrod;the rebel.

5)The fall of the tower of Babel.

6)Sumerians and Egyptians.

7)Africa, Asia, Russia.

Chapter Concepts

1)The written memory of mankind. To learn where we came from.

2)Reason, speech.

3)Because we get better and mess up. Over and over again.

4)The creation of man, birth of Christ, the end of the world.


6)People wanted to rule themselves so they created a government

7)To protect the people. The Bible instructs Christians to obey authority.

8)Man tried to reach the heavens and be like God with the tower of Babel so He struck them with different languages so they couldn't communicate.