Friday, December 11, 2009

Chapter 1 Review page 9 (Terms 1-13, Identification 1-7,Chapter Concepts 1-8)

Chapter 1 Review page 9 (Terms 1-13, Identification 1-7,Chapter Concepts 1-8)


1)B.C.-Before Christ

2)A.D.-anno Domini (In the year of our Lord)

3)Evolution-A fabled process of progressive change dependant on chance and time, with the origin of life on earth.

4)Government- An institution that has both authority and power to control, direct, and to rule the actions and affairs of others.

5)Sovereign- supreme power.

6)Deluge-a flood.

7)Capital Punishment-The death penalty.

8)Post Dulivan -After the flood.

9)Plain of Shinar-The resting place for the ark of Noah. Lower Mesopotamia.

10)Babel-City in Shinar. Tower of Babel was built here.

11)Humanism-Worship of man.

12)Nation-A group of people who think of themselves as one and act in history as a single entity.

13)Race-People groups


1)Focal point-The birth of Christ

2)1700 years

3)Shim, Ham and, Japheth.

4)Nimrod;the rebel.

5)The fall of the tower of Babel.

6)Sumerians and Egyptians.

7)Africa, Asia, Russia.

Chapter Concepts

1)The written memory of mankind. To learn where we came from.

2)Reason, speech.

3)Because we get better and mess up. Over and over again.

4)The creation of man, birth of Christ, the end of the world.


6)People wanted to rule themselves so they created a government

7)To protect the people. The Bible instructs Christians to obey authority.

8)Man tried to reach the heavens and be like God with the tower of Babel so He struck them with different languages so they couldn't communicate.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Ch. 13 Online blog test

1.Celts , earliest inhabitaants of the british isles
2.Juts,angles,saxons- Formed anglland
5.Alfred the Great- 1st great king of england
8.Harlod godwin- King of England, died in battle of hastings
9.William the Conquerer- won the battle of hastings
19.Joan of Arc- Martyred, later connonized
25.Hugh Capet- First capetian king of france
26.Louis VI- strength, awnd power, lle de france
28.Louis IX- Improved French laws
30.Boniface VIII- Quarled with phillip the IV, Phillip had him arrested and beaten he later died from his wounds
33.Ferdinand and isabella- Married by an arrangened marriage, didn't see each other till wedding day; later financed columbus journey
39.Marco Polo- Explorer of asia, wrote journals of his times there
42.Columbus- discovered the americas, was financed by ferdinand and isabella to discover a passage to the indies

Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles? Celts

What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War? 13337-1453

Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century? Anglo-Saxons
Which name did the Romans give to Spain? Hispania
These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain: Moors
What does “reconquista” mean? To take back
Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages. France,England,Spain,Portugal
What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic worship site? Stonehenge
Which Germanic tribe named England? Anglos
Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him) Caedmons Call
Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD? Hugh Capet
Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after? Louis XIV
What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out) Clergy,Nobles,Commoners
Which peninsula is Spain located on? Iberian
Name 3 Germanic tribes. Anglos,Juts,Saxons
Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won? France and England, England Won!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009
WH Blog Assignment #37
Hey WH Students,

Here is your Chapter 12 Study Guide. Be familiar with the following terms/people for your Chapter 12 Test on Wednesday. Complete this study guide and post your answers to your blog for 25 points:

1.feudalism- System of life based on land ownership
2.fief -land owned by a lord
3.lord -owned the land
4.vassal -worked the land and fought in the lord's army
5.knight - fought in the lord's army
6.chivalry - code of conduct for a knight
7.heraldry - coat of arms
8.castle - kings house
9.joust -medieval games
10.tournament- medieval games
11.manor- Lord/Noble house
12.serf - Servant
13.Truce of God - No fighting on friday to sunday
14.Peace of God - priests deny sacraments to those who stole from churches or killed non combatants in war
15.burg -communtiy of traveling merchants
16.middle class -burgers fair - old flea market
18.guild - consisted of merchants artisans and craftsmen death -beubonic plague
20.Chaucer - Most famous author of medieval times; wrote Canterbury tales
21.trivium - grammar rhetoric and logic
22.quadrivium arithmetic music geometry and astronomy
23.scholasticism - theology,-roman catholic style; greek philosophy
24.Brethren of the Common Life - Christian group founded by Jerard Groote 1380
25.humanism - tried to mix christianitity and greek classics
26.patron - people who supported the arts with their own money
27.Sistine Chapel - done by michelangelo
28.Medicis - famous family of medieval times
29.Thomas Aquinas - called dumb ox but was trully brilliant
30.William of Ockham - educated at oxford said bible was ultimante authority
31.John Wycliffe - Translated the bible into common language; thought that the popes claim to absolute authority was wrong
32.John Huss - hussites; martyred burned at the stake
33.Gerhard Groote org. brethren of the common ppl.
34.Dante wrote divine comedy
35.Petrarch father of humanism
36.Bocaccio wrote the Decameron
37.Michelangelo renaissance man
38.Flanders in western belgium
39.Machiavelli - wrote the prince
40.Giotto famous artist of the renaissance
41.DaVinci - famous artist and inventor of the renaissance
42.Prague-italian renaissance

Monday, November 2, 2009

Medieval pictures

Chapter 12 section review 1

1.Land ownership
2. Lord owned land, vassel used land and was lord warrior
3.Big ol' moat big castle wit a draw bridge
4. Tournaments and falconry
5. People who worked on the manor
6. Peace of God, Truce of God

Feudalism- way of life based on land ownage
King- Ruler master wup you up side da head
crown land- king's personal land
knight- kings gangsters
chivalry-code of conduct that knights lived by
heraldry- gang signs ya colors- represented yo family
manor- nobles cribs
demesne- Lords fields

Friday, October 30, 2009

Chapter 9/10 Test


1.Messiah- Jesus
5. Domitian-Roman Emperer, proclaimed himself Dominus Deus aka Lord and God
9.Trajan-Startes the third persecution of Christians, made the profession of Christianity a crime.
13.Irenaeus-Martyred under the rule of Septimus Severus, he was a pupil of Polycarp and was the bishop of lyons in Gaul
17. Origen- Martyred under the rule of Decius; He was a Christian philospher and theologian from Alexandria, he escaped the persecution of Maximinus Thrax but did not escape the persecution of Decius.
21. Diocletian, Maximian- Started the tenth and greatest persecution of Christians. Proclaimed himself as well as his co- emperor Dominus Noster. Outlawed Christianity in 303 ad and demanded all Biblical manuscripts be taken and burned.
25. Aristides- EArly Christian Apologist; Early defender of the Faith.
29. Athanasius- (296?-373) Eloquently and passionately argued for the true deity of Christ at the Council of Nicea.
33. Theodosious I- (ruled 379-395) it became the only legal faith, the state religion of Rome.
1.Synagogues- Jewish temple
2.Gentiles, Proselytes- Gentiles(Non Jews) and Proselytes( Converts)
3.Martyr- one who dies for their beliefs
4.Book of Revelation- Written by the Apostle John on the Island of Patmos. Book of end time prophesy concerning the end of the age/world, and the return of Christ.
5. Catacombs- underground tunnels that went for miles under the city of Rome; they were used for refuge, worship, and burial. It is estimated that 2 and 7 million Christians are buried in the catacombs.
6. Edict of Milan- given in 313 AD; extended legal protection and recognition to Christians throught the Empire.
7. Church Fathers-Early church leaders/ Early preachers and teachers of Christianity
8. Apologists- Defenders of the Faith
9. Monoarchianism- false doctrine that denied the doctrine of the trinity
10. Latin Vulgate- The common Bible of the early western church
11.creeds- " I believe..."
12. Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed- the apostles creed, the earliest creed, was developed between the second and fifth centuries.It is still used today. The nicene creed adopted by the Council of Nicaea in AD 325 rejecting the teaching of arianism a false doctrine that denied the deity of Christ. The athanasian creed was named for Athanasius, and was put together with the Apostles and nicene creed as the creed of the Early churches confessions of faith.
13. Council of Nicaea- Denied the false doctrine of arianism that denied the deity of Christ.
Chapter Concepts
4. It affected Christianity, in this way. It created many false converts because making Christianity the only legal religion forced people to become christians not becomce christians the write way.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

section review 3 chapter 9

1. Clement of Rome; Polycarp; Ignatius
Justin Martyr
3.Irenaeus; Against all hereesy's
5. Origien
6.Translated scriptures out of hebrew and greek into the common language
7.Ambrose, Jonh Chyrsostom
8.Auustine; Confessions; City of God
9. Apostles creed, Nicene Creed,
10.Ad 325, Ephesus, Constantinople, Cghalcedon
11.Theodosius I, made false converts to christianity

Church Fathers- Preachers and Teachers of the EArly Chruch
Apologists- One who defended the faith
Gnostiscm- Greek philosphy mixed with Christianity
Monarchism- Denied the Trinity
Creeds- confession of faith
Aianism- denied the deity of christ