Thursday, October 29, 2009

section review 3 chapter 9

1. Clement of Rome; Polycarp; Ignatius
Justin Martyr
3.Irenaeus; Against all hereesy's
5. Origien
6.Translated scriptures out of hebrew and greek into the common language
7.Ambrose, Jonh Chyrsostom
8.Auustine; Confessions; City of God
9. Apostles creed, Nicene Creed,
10.Ad 325, Ephesus, Constantinople, Cghalcedon
11.Theodosius I, made false converts to christianity

Church Fathers- Preachers and Teachers of the EArly Chruch
Apologists- One who defended the faith
Gnostiscm- Greek philosphy mixed with Christianity
Monarchism- Denied the Trinity
Creeds- confession of faith
Aianism- denied the deity of christ

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