Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chapter 3 Section Rewiew 2

1. Israel, Palestine, Canaan; Christianity, Judaism, Islam.
2. Israel and Judah
3. Placed in the center of the Middle East, to be the light of the Nations.
4. The Ten Commanments.
5. To be a theocracy, and to follow the The Commandments.
6. Semites
7. David and Solomon
8. Divided into two kindoms.
9. 70 A.D.

Abraham-Patriarch of the Nation of Israel
Patriarch-Fathers of a Nation
Moses-Led the children of Irsael out of Egypt.
Covenant-A solem promise.
Theocracy-A Nation ruled by God.
Alphabet-System of writing where letters are put together to make sounds.
Sinai Script-The manuscript where the hebrew alphabet was developed from.
Literacy-The ability to read and write.
721B.C.-Notrthern kingdom of Israel fell to the Assryains.
586B.C.-Southern Kingdom fell to the Babylonions.

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