Monday, August 24, 2009

Section Review 1

1.Place Value Notation
2.Hammurabi's code of law
3.The Hittites
4.Assyrian Kings Shalmaneser V & Sargon II
7.Cyrus the Great; Decreed to build a temple in Israel
8.Darius I & Xerxes I; Darius I
9.Xerxes I; Artaxerxes I
10. Persian ruler also under the law, unlike other Kingdoms whos rulers were above the law.

1.Babylon- First empire to rule the middle east after Sumer.
2.Hammurabi- known for his code of laws
3.Enuma- Babylonian Genesis
4.Justice- use of authority and power to uphold what is right, just, or lawful.
5.Tiglath-Pileser- Assyria's first great monarch
6.Chaldeans- New Babylonian Empire
7.Hanging Gardens of Babylon- one of the 7 Great wonders of the ancient world; constructedby Nebuchadnezzar.
8.Daniel- One of the Jews taken captive by Babylonians, eventually became an important Babylonian official; In the Bible
9. Zoroastrianism- Persians false pagan religion

Middle East Geography Game Scores: Drake: -25
John Paul: 130

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