Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Section review 7 + Identifiy

1.Black and Aegean Sea; Ionian Sea; Gulf of Corinth

2.Minoans,Mycenaeans, Dorians

3.Minoans;King Minos of knossos


5.Dorians; Helenians

6.Homer; The travels of odysseus and the war between athens an troy

7.Athena-Wisdom Aries-War Apollo- Sun; They looked like people having human characteristics

8.city states; acropolis,agora,gymnasium, and amphitheatre


10.490-479 BC

11. Thermoplylae- Darius's son Xerexes the first wanted Greece and they lost because of a traitor at Salimis the Persians arrive in athens to find an empty city athens defeated the persians in the first major navel battle

12. It placed a limit on westward expansion of the Persian Empire.


Hellespont-City in troy.
Attica- Region of greece
Peloponnesus- Region of greece
Trojan war- 1200bc mycenans defeated the city of troy, on the coast of asia minor after a 10 year seige
Odysseus- Main characer of Homer's Odyssey
Mt. Olympus- Where the gods lived.
Heros-human chracters who played imprtant roles in homers poems.
Achilles- Invincible greek warrior.
Barbarian- Those who did not speak greek.
Olypic Ganes- Held every fourth year at Olympia in honor of Zeus.
Olypiad- The time between olympic games.
Darius 1- King of persia
Xerxes 1- Darius son.
Leonidas- Spartan leader.
Themistocle- Briallant athenian who tricked xerxes into fighting a naval battle.
Plataea- A battle fought in 479 B.C.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Africa Geography Clue Game

We get our points...remember?

Mini Game Demo and Glu Mobile Demo

You said to skip these games and that we get extra points. Ok...we get regular points..but...never mind.

Monday, September 21, 2009

African geography game


Chapter 6 Section Review

1. 2/5, sahara desert northwest klahari southwest
2.Atlas mountains, kilimanjaro
3. Lake victoria

Dark continent-Africa because it wasn't explored until the 19th century
savanna- land characterized by wet and dry seasons
Lake tanganyika- longest and second deepest freshwater lake

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Study Guide

Sahara-Worlds largest desert
Nile-longest river
Egypt-northest corner of africa; seabed of african culture
Mizraim-Most ancient name for egypt
Land of Ham-another ancient name for egypt
Nomes-Small city states in egypt
Pharaohs-strong rulers of egypt
Menes-First pharoah of egypt united upper and lower egypt, and egypt became known as the kingdom of two lands
The gift of the Nile-another name for egypt from herrodotus greek father of history 485-425 BC
Hieroglyphics-language of ancient egypt, 700 symbols
Book of the Dead-most important egyptian work contained prayers hymns spells and info to guide through the after life was placed in tombs
Memphis-12 miles south of cairo known as noph in the Bible, two granite collassi and one alabaster sphinx
Thebes-Nothing remains except the vast cementary
Necropolis-City of the Dead
Pyramid-Tombs for pharoahs,or nobles
Monarchy-Kingdom ruled by a king
Theocracy-Kingdom ruled by one god/God
Humanism-Worship of humans
Naturalism-Worship of nature
Polytheism-Worship of many gods
Egyptian Tombs-Pyramids
Great Pyramids of Cheops-one of the wonders of the ancient world took 100,000 workers 20 years covers 13 acres and contains 2.3 million blocks
King tut-one of the worldest archealogical discoveries by howard carter in 1922
Mummification- the process of perserving a body
30 Dynasties-Ancient egyptian history is divided into 30 dynasties
Old kingdom-Dynasties 3-6 cheops,khafre,menkaure built giza
Pyramids at giza-Built by look up
Great sphinx-head of a man body of a lion a has the face of khafre
Middle Kingdom-11th dynasty king mentuhotep I established the captial at Thebes; around the time of abraham
King menuhotep-look up
Hyksos-asaitic warriors,conquered the middle kingdom, had chariot and horses
New kingdom-18th-20th dynasties King ahmose I droves hyksos out of egypt
Hatshephut-may have beene moses mother only female pharoah
Amenhotep II- thutmose III=ruler & amenhotep was his son; may have been p[haroah during the exodus
Later new kingdom- Ramses II most outstanding egyptian monarch->
Ramese II
Alexander the Great-Controled all of the known world ;332Bc conquered egypt
Alexandria-Most important city in his empire; Great library had over 700,000 scrolls
Lighthouse of Alexandria- 444 ft. marble tower wonder of the ancient world; burning pitch and a mirror reflecting the light for 35 miles

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chapter 4 Section Review 1

1. Tigris and the Euphrates, the Indus, the hwang Ho; Indus Valley Civilization, Aryans, the Dravidians.

2. 1/3 of the land and 1/2 of the people.

3. Himalayan Mnts., Northern Plains, Deccan Plateau.

4. Caste system and religion.

5. Mauryas.

6. Siddartha Guatama; Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tibet, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia.

7. Guptas.

8. Mogul Empire.

9. The British East Indian Trading Company.

10. William Carey.

11. Hostile bloody takeover, enslavery.

12. Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru.

13.Indira Gandhi, Rajvi Gandhi.

14.The zero, decimal number system, arabic numerals, algebra, Damascene steel, Calico.


Mount Everest-Tallest mountian in the world located in Nepal.

Dead Sea-Salty sea between Jordan and Israel.

Indus Valley Civilzation-First arose in 2000 B.C. setteled in the the Indus river valley, built great great cities such as Harappa and Mohenjo Daro.

Aryans-Invaded India from the north.


Asoka-Greatest ruler maurya empire

Taj Mahal-Means "best of buildings" built my a mogul as a tomb for his favorite wife.

Pakistan-Was formed by muslims who fled from india.

Bangladesh-Formerly east pakistan

Hindustani-hybrid form of arabic and hindi
Sepoy Rebellion-When the Indian natives rebelled against British rule.
Adoniriam Judson-Father of American Missions in India.