Thursday, September 17, 2009

Study Guide

Sahara-Worlds largest desert
Nile-longest river
Egypt-northest corner of africa; seabed of african culture
Mizraim-Most ancient name for egypt
Land of Ham-another ancient name for egypt
Nomes-Small city states in egypt
Pharaohs-strong rulers of egypt
Menes-First pharoah of egypt united upper and lower egypt, and egypt became known as the kingdom of two lands
The gift of the Nile-another name for egypt from herrodotus greek father of history 485-425 BC
Hieroglyphics-language of ancient egypt, 700 symbols
Book of the Dead-most important egyptian work contained prayers hymns spells and info to guide through the after life was placed in tombs
Memphis-12 miles south of cairo known as noph in the Bible, two granite collassi and one alabaster sphinx
Thebes-Nothing remains except the vast cementary
Necropolis-City of the Dead
Pyramid-Tombs for pharoahs,or nobles
Monarchy-Kingdom ruled by a king
Theocracy-Kingdom ruled by one god/God
Humanism-Worship of humans
Naturalism-Worship of nature
Polytheism-Worship of many gods
Egyptian Tombs-Pyramids
Great Pyramids of Cheops-one of the wonders of the ancient world took 100,000 workers 20 years covers 13 acres and contains 2.3 million blocks
King tut-one of the worldest archealogical discoveries by howard carter in 1922
Mummification- the process of perserving a body
30 Dynasties-Ancient egyptian history is divided into 30 dynasties
Old kingdom-Dynasties 3-6 cheops,khafre,menkaure built giza
Pyramids at giza-Built by look up
Great sphinx-head of a man body of a lion a has the face of khafre
Middle Kingdom-11th dynasty king mentuhotep I established the captial at Thebes; around the time of abraham
King menuhotep-look up
Hyksos-asaitic warriors,conquered the middle kingdom, had chariot and horses
New kingdom-18th-20th dynasties King ahmose I droves hyksos out of egypt
Hatshephut-may have beene moses mother only female pharoah
Amenhotep II- thutmose III=ruler & amenhotep was his son; may have been p[haroah during the exodus
Later new kingdom- Ramses II most outstanding egyptian monarch->
Ramese II
Alexander the Great-Controled all of the known world ;332Bc conquered egypt
Alexandria-Most important city in his empire; Great library had over 700,000 scrolls
Lighthouse of Alexandria- 444 ft. marble tower wonder of the ancient world; burning pitch and a mirror reflecting the light for 35 miles

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