Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chapter 4 Section Review 1

1. Tigris and the Euphrates, the Indus, the hwang Ho; Indus Valley Civilization, Aryans, the Dravidians.

2. 1/3 of the land and 1/2 of the people.

3. Himalayan Mnts., Northern Plains, Deccan Plateau.

4. Caste system and religion.

5. Mauryas.

6. Siddartha Guatama; Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tibet, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia.

7. Guptas.

8. Mogul Empire.

9. The British East Indian Trading Company.

10. William Carey.

11. Hostile bloody takeover, enslavery.

12. Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru.

13.Indira Gandhi, Rajvi Gandhi.

14.The zero, decimal number system, arabic numerals, algebra, Damascene steel, Calico.


Mount Everest-Tallest mountian in the world located in Nepal.

Dead Sea-Salty sea between Jordan and Israel.

Indus Valley Civilzation-First arose in 2000 B.C. setteled in the the Indus river valley, built great great cities such as Harappa and Mohenjo Daro.

Aryans-Invaded India from the north.


Asoka-Greatest ruler maurya empire

Taj Mahal-Means "best of buildings" built my a mogul as a tomb for his favorite wife.

Pakistan-Was formed by muslims who fled from india.

Bangladesh-Formerly east pakistan

Hindustani-hybrid form of arabic and hindi
Sepoy Rebellion-When the Indian natives rebelled against British rule.
Adoniriam Judson-Father of American Missions in India.

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